Archive for the ‘Godden, Paul (6fish)’ Category

Paul Godden (6fish)

September 1, 2009

Paul Godden (6fish) is an abstract expressionist painter whose work I admire greatly.


Paul Godden

Here is one of his most recent paintings:

Untitled by Paul Godden

Untitled by Paul Godden

He shows work at festivals each year, has café shows throughout the year and takes part in open exhibitions throughout the UK.

Here is another of his paintings:

Untitled by Paul Godden

Untitled by Paul Godden

He describes his art as ‘formal abstract expressionism’. He tends to work in series of paintings and over the course of a series develops a language within the paintings that slowly increases the degree of expression within the works.

Here is another of his paintings:

Broken Raison D'etre? by Paul Godden

Broken Raison D'etre? by Paul Godden

This painting is the result of a process of deconstruction and reconstruction using a formal but abstract approach.

Here’s another one of his paintings:

Emergeny Temporal Shift by Paul Godden

Emergency Temporal Shift by Paul Godden

This painting is from a series of paintings referred to as the Chimene series, a series of mandalas meditating on the themes of love and loss.

And here’s an early painting that I like:



This painting is from a series of paintings which explored themes such as balance, geometry, patterns, symbolism and natural forms.

Paul Godden has been painting all his life.

He has painted some truly wonderful paintings, of which I’ve only been able to show a few favourites. Here’s a link to his blog so that you can see more of his amazing work:

I hope you enjoy his art as much as I do.

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