Archive for September, 2014

Reflections in a Hubcap by Steve Atkinson

September 6, 2014

Reflections in a Hubcap - Steve Atkinson

Reflections in a Hubcap — a collection of short stories by Steve Atkinson.

A review by R J Dent.


Steve Atkinson’s Reflections in a Hubcap really is a collection of profound reflections. The twenty-three beautifully-crafted short stories in this collection cover a range of subjects and themes, but the essence of many of these stories is the way that the past impinges on the present; the way that tales that are whimsically autobiographical suddenly become maps of the dark and murky places of the human mind.


Between its covers, Reflections in a Hubcap has something for everyone. It is a carefully-crafted collection that is structured very much like a symphony or a concept album, with a variety of moods and styles cleverly juxtaposed for maximum emotional impact.


There are tales of the unexpected (Cokum, One, Two, Miss a Few, Yellower Than a Buttered ‘Possum in Custard, What’s That You’re Reading); tales of revenge (Tickle Under There, Innocents Abroad, Armed and Dangerous, On the Rocks); tales of wonder (Old Grumpy, Matinee), and tales of malice (Wipe-out!, Shines the Light, A Song for Angels) all told in the crisp, clear prose that is Steve Atkinson’s trademark. The descriptions reveal the author’s love of and delight in the English language.


If you want stories that will surprise, delight, shock, and unsettle, then Reflections in a Hubcap is the perfect book to read.


Reflections in a Hubcap is available at:

Stephen Atkinson, was a Fleet Street reporter on the Daily Mirror in London for 27 years. He has also been a sub-editor, news editor and deputy editor and a writer on a leading American magazine, then based in Florida. He briefly served as a New York correspondent for a major UK title. Now retired, freed from deadlines and editors, he enjoys writing fiction, playing guitar and fishing for mackerel and tin cans from an old boat. He is the author of Ghosts Who Google.