About R J Dent

R J Dent is a novelist, poet, translator, essayist and short story writer.

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He is the author of Screaming At The Window (The tragic story of Blanche Monnier, the Prisoner of Poitiers), a non-fiction, true crime, French history book; of Myth, a horror/fantasy novel; of Gothiques & Fantastiques, a collection of Gothic stories, and of Deliverance, a controversial Gothic novella of infanticide and cannibalism.

As a renowned translator of European literature, R J Dent has published modern English translations of Paul Éluard’s Capital of Pain; Andre Breton’s Soluble Fish, Alfred Jarry’s Speculations; Pierre Louys’ Her Three Daughters; Charles Baudelaire’s Selected Erotic Poems; and of Le Comte de Lautréamont’s The Songs of Maldoror and Georges Bataille’s The Dead Man. He has also translated Retaliation, The Self-Made Cuckold and Some Thoughts on the Novel by the Marquis de Sade, and the ancient Greek Poems & Fragments of Alcaeus into modern English.

He has also produced English translations of major works by Aragon, Apollinaire, Breton, Éluard, Heine, Masson, Maxa, Rollinat and De Sade. The Blood Delirium: the Vampire in 19th Century European Literature contains several significant works translated by R J Dent.

R J Dent is the author of Moonstone Silhouettes, a poetry collection. He has introduced and edited Voodoo Excess, Jeremy Reed’s poetic biography of the Rolling Stones, and he is the author/translator of several chapters of Sade: Sex and Death, a non-fiction study of the Marquis de Sade.

His poems, short stories, novellas and essays continue to appear in numerous magazines and journals, including, InclementChanticleerRoundyhouseWriter’s MuseAcumenOrbis, D.F.L. Lit, and Philosophy Now, to name but a few.

R J Dent’s literary influences are William S. Burroughs, Anthony Burgess, Anna Kavan, J.G. Ballard, Tarjei Vesaas, Angela Carter, Samuel Beckett and Ray Bradbury.

Contemporary authors that R J Dent admires include Jeremy Reed, Pascale Petit, Stephen Barber, and Philippe Djian.

R J Dent’s social media links are:

Website: http://www.rjdent.com

News and Events: https://rjdentnewsandevents.wordpress.com/

Personal blog: https://rjdent.wordpress.com/

twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RJDent

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rjdentwriter/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rj.dent/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/rjdent/

Booksie: https://www.booksie.com/users/r-j-dent

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/r-j-dent

goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5831064.R_J_Dent

tumblr: https://rjdent.tumblr.com/

Amazon.co.uk page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/R.-J.-Dent/e/B0034Q3RD4

ViewBug (Photographs): https://www.viewbug.com/member/R-J-Dent