Moonstone Silhouettes

moonstone silhouettes - r j dent

Moonstone Silhouettes is a collection of poems by R J Dent.

It was edited in Paris, and published by Inclement Publishing.

R J Dent says: “In Moonstone Silhouettes, I’ve focused mostly on the ethereal and the mystical, although there are a few elegies for lost friends, and one or two poems in praise of major writers who have influenced me.

“The landscapes that I describe range from the exotic (Ancient Greece and modern France) to the bizarre to the out-and-out surreal. The characters that I describe are often strange and other-worldly.”

“I’ve also included a few of my translations of poems I love: poems by Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Ibycus and Sappho. There are also elegies for four great writers who are no longer with us: Jean Genet, Anna Kavan, Charles Baudelaire, and Tarjei Vesaas.”


Further details of books that R J Dent has written, translated or contributed to are available at:

Product details:

Title: Moonstone Silhouettes

Author: R J Dent

Language: English


Pages: 32

Publisher: Inclement Publishing

Format: Paperback and ebook

Further book details are here:


Purchase link (UK):


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Moonstone Silhouettes

Poems by R J Dent


